Tuesday, March 12, 2013

good teachers are hard to come by

not sure if this is bad or good - i can see both sides of the coin.  but going through yoga teacher training has made me very much aware of yoga teachers now and their teachings in class.  i have also gained some strong opinions about classes and styles.  i have strong opinions on the treatment of eating disorders since my own treatment, and now i have the same about yoga.

i did something to my neck and upper back are last night during yoga.  i had gone into my first down dog, then went down for a cat/cow and felt the tightness right away.  even though it was 'just' a down dog, the teacher did not adequately warm the class up at all.  one of the first postures she put the class in was camel, one of the deepest backbends you can do.  i didn't do it, and cringed as i watched the others.  the class was very disjointed - none of the postures were prep poses for the one following, and the counter poses weren't true counter poses of the previous posture.  during the inversion practice, she was throwing everyone against the wall in handstand - this is one of the most 'advanced' inversions.  thank goodness no one crumbled to the floor on their necks.  i could tell she was new - she was very nervous and lost her place in the practice a couple times.  i would be nervous as well. 

i didn't enter yoga training last year with the intention of teaching - i just wanted more education.  one of the things that drew me to shanon and  her training was that it was 8 months long - i had ample time to read all the material, understand it, and apply it to my own practice in the time between our meetings.  there are too many yoga trainings out there that aren't adequate - some of them are only a weekend long, and some can be done online!  after all the information covered in my own training, i cannot image trying to soak that in during the course of one weekend.  shanon taught us how to connect each posture to the other - preparing the body adequately for the following posture, and counterbalancing in the following posture.  this is what is best for the body - when you are throwing yourself into these deep poses without adequately preparing, you are asking for an injury or pulled muscle or pinched nerve.

i try and keep myself from me judgemental of some teachers, but find it difficult at times.  well, maybe i'm not being judgemental per se, but i  find myself questioning the practice - yea, that's a better word - 'questioning'.  i modify my own practice in these classes how i was taught and how i deem fit, but oftentimes i cringle when i see other student follow the teacher's instruction.  it's hard.

all i know is that i'm very grateful for the training i received.  good, educated yoga teachers are hard to  come by and you need to hold on to the ones you do indeed find.  i've tried places around town, and have found one teach i feel i connect with and gain something strong from her classes.  i'm going to have to start following her around town - it's worth it.

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