i met someone very special this last weekend. he's adorable, sexy, hilarious beyond measure, and almost as awesome as me ;-) - i kid, i kid (well, kinda). that's all i'm going to say for now, but whatever we're getting into is going to be fun as shit.
and in other news, i had quite a large awkward turtle moment (well, a series of minutes rather) in yoga sunday morning. so, a couple of the teachers at this newer studio i go to have the class do partner work. i disagree with this for a few reasons:
1) some people just don't like to be touched
2) some people like to be touched, just not by a sweaty stranger (understandable)
3) adjusting someone when you are not properly trained to do so is dangerous. so you have these people in yoga class with their hands on someone else deepening them into a twist?!?! no ma'am - that shit is no buens. unless you can properly position your hands and body against the person you're adjusting and work with their breath, you're doing it wrong. i can't believe yoga teachers actually allow some of this adjusting-each-other-business to take place. my yoga teacher would be rendered speechless if she saw that.
4) i feel like this disrupts the flow of class - you stop this asana practice you're in, pair up with a stranger (and if you don't lock eyes with someone quickly and claim them as a partner, you are going to feel like the kid who was picked last in gym class), and then engage in this partner practice that i see little to no benefit of.
5) you can do partner yoga, but advertise it as that!! it's irritating to go into a class not expecting that and before you know it you're straddling some stranger.
which brings me to what happened sunday. needless to say from what i'm sure you all have gathered, we did some partner work in yoga on sunday. i am always in the same spot in yoga class - very back corner. there were an even number of people in my row, so when kelly told us to pair off i assumed the chick next to me would turn to be to be her partner, but she turned to the chick on her right!! i figured she could count, figure out we had six on the row, so the pairs are already set up. so, that left me and this man on my row to be paired together.
i don't like strangers touching me, and it's even more awkward turtle to have a strange man touching you and vice versa. and a strange man with his 'bulge' just hanging out for all to see in his more fitted shorts. we were adjusting reclined twists and i had to sit right behind his ass, grab his hip bone down low, and then his shoulder and move and adjust with his breath blah blah. then i had to place my hand on his thigh and do the same thing. and he did this same adjusting to me. then, no shit, i had to stand up and straddle his head are while he was laying down on his back, bend over, and try to fold his knees into his chest - as he did me. for those that know me, y'all know that situations like this cause me to have quite the case of the giggles - and in this case, they were the church giggles - you know, when you can't stop laughing but you're in a place where laughing is totally inappropriate? uh, yea.
and so it goes, people. i'll be back with more shit later :)
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